Subject: S7-32-22
From: Stephen Anson

Dec. 22, 2022

To SEC chair Gary Ginsler,

As a young investor and entrepreneur, I have increasing become both frustrated and dissapointed with the current state of the US Stock Market. The new proposed rules and regulations, specifically for the alteration and banning of PFOF presents a glimmer of hope for positive change for the individual investor, upon which the US stock market should be based upon. Corruption, bribery, and criminal activity run rampant in this current self-regulating system and work by profiting off of the individual.

I have personally experienced the repercussions of this corruption. Many stocks that I have invested in have become targets of flagrant short-selling activity, tanking the value of both my investment and the resources of companies’ that I have spent many hours of research and due diligence. Companies such as $NWBO have an enormous capacity for healing and good for the individual and humanity, but have had many pitfalls due to greed from numerous bad players. It is already difficult enough to find a cure for cancer, much more-so when a company’s finances are being manipulated by greed and selfishness. It is a disgrace that the “greatest country in the world” is turning a blind eye to these players, and has been allowing a system such as PFOF to exist and destroy the entrepreneurial spirit.

Mr. Ginsler, we as individual investors are frustrated. Our morale has been steadily dropping month-by-month as the current system drains both our investments and our savings accounts. Corrupt short-sellers and market-makers are having real influence on real Americans such as myself. It is very easy to become disillusioned from numbers on a screen, but those numbers keep us from being homeless. Those numbers that are so easily manipulated allow us to pay for our parent’s assisted living facilities. They allow us to provide for our children and to have influence on causes that we find just.

We are real people losing real money from illegal manipulation. America does not run off of “too big to fail” players, but rather the individual.  Please respect that and be the change we need for the betterment of our Nation.

Stephen Anson