Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Brian E. Bisher
From: Brian E. Bisher
Affiliation: Retail Investor

Dec. 18, 2022

December 18, 2022

 To Whom This May Concern,

Payment for Order Flow absolutely harms customers because the broker-dealer does handle decisions to benefit itself at the expense of its customer. It is completely unacceptable that 90-95% of retail orders are directed to dark pools. This defeats the whole purpose of investing. In a free and fair market a retail order should be treated the same way as any other order. The whole idea that orders shouldnt move stock prices is very alarming as an investor. Supply and demand should move stock prices, any other method could be viewed as market manipulation. There are too many methods being used to control stock prices. Money invested should be represented and not hidden. My biggest frustration is that the sock market is anything but what we were told it was. Its not free, we are the product. Its not fair, Wall Street always wins. This game has been one-sided throughout its entire history. As an investor who witnessed Robinhood remove the buy button and face no consequences, and were allo
 wed to IPO with 90 lawsuits pending and still be allowed to operate freely is obscene. Are there no laws? It's been two years. I have zero faith that this market can unwind the amount of corruption it has presented itself. I pray a decentralized market wipes this one out. Its all or nothing with retail investors. Either fix the market completely or we won't be coming back. We arent leaving until we get back the money that was stolen from us. It is up to you to make us want to come back. Who wants to return to a system that doesnt appreciate their trade? Retail orders matter. Companies matter. People matter. Corrupt firms and hedge funds offer nothing to society. In this case all they have done is create several lawsuits, legal headaches, and more financial instruments that have to be undone. We are nearing an era where retail investors will eventually come up with a solution themselves and wont need to rely on regulators. I would strongly advise that you do everything in your power
 to gain back the publics trust which is currently at zero. Enough people have caught on to cause irreversible damage. Please act swiftly.


Brian E. Bisher
Retail Investor