Subject: S7-32-22: WebForm Comments from Bruno Bruzzo
From: Bruno Bruzzo

Dec. 16, 2022

December 16, 2022

 As a retail investor, a rule implementing better execution is fundamental to me. I always want to be sure that when I place my trust in brokers, I invest my money in markets.

I need to be sure that my orders are being handled in an appropriate manner. Ij the last 12 months, thanks to Reddit i have a much better understanding of how the US equities market works and to me it seems broken.

In fact, all my shares are held in computershare to ensure they're not lent against my will.

 Payment for order flow, market maker privileges such as FTDs and ATS /darkpools are a poisonous.

All orders should go to the lit exchange end of story. And fines to Walll street should amount to a percentage of their revenue (5-10%)

I fully support this proposal and hope to see it enacted and enforced in the near future.

Thank you,