Subject: S7-32-10
Form Type Q

I personally believe that a fair market should have 100% percent transparency. There is no need to hide or obfuscate a position in the market unless it is below board. All swap positions should be reported immediately after it is agreed on / executed. Any SWAPS must be FULLY reported, including positions, counter parties and terms of the agreement. The technology exists to allow for full monitoring by regulators which in turn will help prevent the next financial crises. SWAPS are financial weapons of mass destruction. The delayed reporting has already cost us billions to trillions of dollars in the past few years and it is all avoidable and manageable (SVB, Signature bank, FTX, ETC). I am 100% for stricter reporting guidelines and am proposing that all SWAP positions be reported immediately with all information publicly reported as well. Market Transparency is crucial. Allowing positions and data to be hidden from market participants does not create a level playing field, it continues to promote an unfair advantage bias towards Wall Street.