Subject: Support for SEC proposal S7-32-10
From: Derek Cox

Aug. 20, 2023

Good evening Sir or Madam, 

I immensely support the proposal for greater transparency on swap reporting. 

I can think of no just or ethical reason for not supporting greater transparency in swap reporting in the greatest financial market of the free world. Obfuscation in any form in the financial market will only lead to an asymmetry in which the larger participants benefit at the expense of the household investor. This will further tilt the scale away from a free and fair market in favor of an enveloping, expansive darkness in which only a select few group of participants will continue to have the ability to create ever-increasingly more complex financial instruments, further pulling the market away from the grasp of the very citizenry who toil tirelessly ensuring our beautiful country continues functioning. 

You, and all others who believe in equality and fairness have my full support; people are beginning to pay attention and every new rule the SEC proposes and enforces is an absolute monumental victory in the face of an ancestral Goliath. 

I do not envy you, but you're [REDACTED] right I believe in you and stand beside you. 
Derek Cox