Subject: S7-32-10: Webform Comments from Will Highland
From: Will Highland

Aug. 17, 2023

I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the
potential for market manipulation, conflicts of interest, past
regulatory violations, and the issue of regulatory capture within the
context of the proposed rule, Position Reporting of Large
Security-Based Swap Positions, as detailed in Release No. 34-93784.
The reopening of the comment period provides a critical opportunity to
address these systemic issues that undermine the integrity and
fairness of our financial markets.

The proposed rule's objective to enhance transparency and
accountability in security-based swap positions is commendable, but it
is essential to recognize the broader context in which these
regulations are being considered. Instances of regulatory capture,
where industry participants exert undue influence on the regulatory
process, have raised concerns that fines for market misconduct are
often perceived as mere costs of doing business. This dynamic
perpetuates a cycle of misconduct, undermines investor trust, and
erodes the stability of our financial system.

Citadel and Virtu Financial, with their history of regulatory fines
and penalties, underscore the importance of addressing the phenomenon
of regulatory capture and the perception that fines are an acceptable
expense in the pursuit of profit. The specific concerns related to
regulatory capture and the notion of fines as a cost of doing business

Erosion of Accountability: The perception that regulatory fines can be
absorbed as a normal operational cost weakens the accountability of
market participants. This mindset diminishes the incentive to comply
with regulations and fosters an environment conducive to market

Market Confidence: The prevalence of regulatory capture erodes
investor confidence in the effectiveness of regulatory bodies and the
fairness of financial markets. This lack of confidence can have
far-reaching consequences for market stability and economic growth.

Unlevel Playing Field: Regulatory capture tilts the playing field in
favor of powerful market participants, leaving smaller investors and
market entrants at a disadvantage. This imbalance undermines the
principles of fair competition and inhibits innovation.

Inadequate Deterrence: When fines are perceived as a mere cost, they
fail to serve as effective deterrents against market misconduct.
Stronger regulatory mechanisms are necessary to ensure that violations
are met with meaningful consequences.

In light of these concerns and the broader issue of regulatory
capture, I urge the Commission to consider the following actions:

Comprehensive Reforms: The Commission should not only focus on
enhanced reporting and transparency but also implement comprehensive
reforms that address the root causes of regulatory capture, including
measures to mitigate conflicts of interest and strengthen regulatory

Stricter Enforcement: Fines should be accompanied by additional
penalties that have a meaningful impact on market participants, such
as temporary suspensions, heightened oversight, or restrictions on
certain activities.

Public Accountability: The Commission should ensure that regulatory
actions and outcomes are publicly transparent. Transparent reporting
of fines, penalties, and any corrective actions taken will help hold
market participants accountable and rebuild investor trust.

Whistleblower Protection: Robust whistleblower protections are crucial
to uncovering instances of regulatory capture and market misconduct.
Strengthening these protections encourages individuals to come forward
with information without fear of retaliation.

Market Education: The Commission should engage in educational efforts
to inform market participants and the public about the detrimental
effects of regulatory capture and the misconception that fines are an
acceptable cost of business.

In conclusion, addressing the pervasive issues of regulatory capture
and the perception of fines as a cost of doing business is fundamental
to restoring trust and fairness in our financial markets. By
considering these systemic concerns, the SEC can strengthen the impact
of the proposed rule and contribute to a more resilient and
transparent financial system.

Thank you for your attention to this crucial matter. I look forward to
the Commission's continued efforts to create a regulatory
framework that upholds the principles of accountability, integrity,
and investor protection.