Subject: S7-32-10 support comment
From: Ray Peterson

Aug. 16, 2023

Good afternoon, 

I fully support and urge my peers to support the implementation of proposal S7-32-10 with a $0 threshold. 

Our markets need rules like this to reign in the rampant fraud being done by brokers and market makers. I support all proposals that fight failures to deliver and naked shorting. These two things pose a catastrophic risk to the average Americans trust in our markets. 

I also urge you to disregard comments from market makers and brokers. These entities have proven they do not have the market or retails best interests in mind. In fact these entities are actively trying to sway your rules in way that benefit them at the expense of market integrity. 

Please do the right thing and let's save our markets together. 

In Hoc, 

Raymond P Peterson 
Finance Analyst