Subject: S7-32-10: Webform Comments from Emil Schmidt
From: Emil Schmidt
Affiliation: N/A

Aug. 14, 2023

Dear Sir/Madam
I don't have a financial education, but even with my broken
knowledge of the financial market, I know that it is corrupted -
having lived through many market crashes with the continued failure to
prosecute those responsible.
If the SEC has been seeing what is going on - why have you been
handing out slap-on-the-wrist fines instead of prosecuting financial
Instead of regulating financial instruments such as
derivatives(we know how poor your regulation is) ban derivatives,
because high risk speculation detroys the market and history proves
Short positions have a maturity date. To be able to roll this type of
instrument over in a swap is an abuse. How this is even possible in a
regulated market is laughable. Force short positions to close upon
maturity. Bankcrupt entities allowed to trade ad infinitum, will cause
greater destruction than even the SEC can imagine.
No voting rights should be given to owners of derivatives. Owners of
stock should hold all voting rights. This is so simple that I cannot
believe that there are somehow loopholes and grey areas
created by thugs to bring it into question. The stock market needs
simple inalienable rules that can be understood by the common man and
does not require a lawyer or an actuary to understand.
Turn your casino back into a market and send the high-risk gamblers to
either prison or Vegas.