Subject: S7-32-10: Webform Comments from Bobby
From: Anonymous

Aug. 13, 2023

To whom it may concern:

I strongly support the implementation of S7-32-10. The SEC states that
its purpose is to maintain free and fair markets, however, with the
current requirements for securities-based swaps reporting, the
opposite is allowed to occur. Large institutions are allowed to hide
positions that could potentially pose a systemic risk on the global
financial markets - I believe we are on the precipice of one as I
write this comment because these institutions have been allowed to
operate in the dark. You need to look no further than what happened
with Archegos Family Office and Credit Suisse.

Implementing S7-32-10 would hold these institutions accountable for
the risks they intend to take as they may be more risk-adverse if they
have to operate in the light, rather than the shadows. Not only should
S7-32-10 be implemented, but individuals/institutions should be
strongly punished for not adhering to the rules once implemented.

If punishment results in a fine that individuals/institutions can
calculate into operating costs, then the market will be no
better off than it is now, and we will be destined to continually
repeat history by periodically experiencing "market
disasters as these hidden positions become systemic risks.

Punishment for positions that pose such risks should result in
mandatory jail/prison and being barred from ever working in the
financial sector again. I hope that you strongly consider implementing

Individual investor concerned for the future generations.