Subject: S7-32-10: Webform Comments from David
From: David
Affiliation: Software Engineer

Aug. 10, 2023

I am in full support of the proposed rule to require
reporting of all large swap positions. It's mind boggling that
the market has progressed this long without it. 

How many economic collapses where millions of tax paying citizens
losing their homes and livelihoods will we need to experience before
the SEC decides to regulate these large financial institutions which
consistently decide to gamble the with the publics investments by
utilizing complex financial instruments, such as swaps, to obfuscate
their investments and behaviors.

Disclosing this data is one of the only ways that household investors
can protect themselves from the repeated abuse of these financial

Furthermore, I believe the minimum amount required to be disclosed is
too high as well. I would propose 100M or less.