Subject: S7-32-10: Webform Comments from Connor Boyll
From: Connor Boyll
Affiliation: Individual Investor

Aug. 3, 2023

As a individual investor it can feel as if the lack of transparency in
the current market is designed to keep investors outside of Wall
Street in the dark. Increasing the public reporting would only help
the markets by increasing competition and accountability. It is the
responsibility of the SEC to help protect retail investors from the
historically corrupt behavior that occurs within our markets.
Requiring the reporting of swaps is a step in the right direction but
the job is not finished when it comes to increasing transparency and
encouraging fairness and equal opportunity. Allowing facilities to
hide and obscure large positions only damages trust within the system
and endangers all money in the market due to improper risk management.
I believe it would be difficult to find an unbiased person or entity
who doesn’t support greater transparency. Those who are not in
support of this proposal only hold that view point because they have
something to gain by keeping swap data hidden. Now is the time to
update markets and regulations in order to pursue a system in which
all participants operate under the same set of rules and markets are
priced according to legitimate supply and demand. The previous way
allowing Wall Street to dominate and vacuum money out of the
population are over. It is time to advocate for the rights of all
investors in pursuit of free and fair markets that allow access to one
of the greatest wealth building tools available. I support this