Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Davis A. Hix

Jul. 28, 2023

I write in support of the proposed rule No. S7-32-10. 

TRANSPARENCY in the market seems as though it should be common sense. In my opinion, anyone pushing back against TRANSPARENCY has something to hide. 

The main focus of the SEC should be protecting investors. Increasing TRANSPARENCY is an OBVIOUS way of doing this. Because of this point, it is even odd we need to comment on this and it is already not law. 

As a small business owner, with 15 employees, I am required to follow rules that I do not always like. But you better believe the rules are followed. I am not able to simply make a donation and have a new rule made up that allows me to scoot around those rules. 

Please make rules fair, so that the market is actually fair and protect household investors. 

I hope we can get to a more common sense way of looking at rules and regulations, looking at the perspectives of everyday investors, instead of making rules with multiple loop holes for large firms to exploit household investors, hide data and continue driving the country right into another recession. 

I ask you, please strive to meet the ROLE OF THE SEC; 

Protect investors; Maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; Facilitate capital formation. 

Increased TRANSPARENCY seems like a step, an obvious one at that, in the right direction. 

Thank you, Davis