Subject: S7-32-10 Large Security based swap reporting
From: Brett Dillman

Jul. 21, 2023

Dear SEC, 

Clarity on what large security based swaps are happening in the markets is absolutly a nesecity for everyones ablility to make a informed decision in investments. The very fact that "~90% of stock trades are not done on lite exchnages" Gary Gensler, SEC head, is already incrediable disturbering fact. Without the knowledge being avaible to household investors they will be at a disadvantage in every trade in the markets. I will be watching the outcome of this action, and the results will dicate how I invest in the rest of working years(~30 years left). If the US markets are ruled by back room deals the household investors are not aware of then I will never invest in those markets for long term growth or at all for that matter. 


Brett D.