Subject: Comment for S7-32-10: Large Security based swap reporting
From: Matthew Mc Carter

Jul. 21, 2023

Dear Fellow Countryman, 
I have already submitted comments on this rule that outline my direct view on the proposed rule. I now comment as a response to the published comments of the members of Congress - Members of the U.S. House of Representatives Frank D. Lucas, David Scott, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Bill Foster, Glenn "GT" Thompson, Alma S. Adams, Ph.D., Bill Huizenga, Vicente Gonzalez, Andy Barr, Josh Gottheimer, Ann Wagner, Wiley Nickel, and Bryan Steil : It is disappointing but certainly not surprising to read the tone of their comments indicating that they oppose a fair and transparent financial market for all, by not wanting important market information released to the public. They cite that the information may be ‘misleading’. Do they insinuate that the information that financial firms and the participants will be deliberately false and misleading? Do they propose that instead of dealing with those firms directly, publicly and with an appropriate penalty to actually be a deterrent that they keep it behind closed doors without public accountability? 

It is my hope that the SEC in reading the listed comments pay attention to their line “In order to help the communities we represent succeed”, that the SEC look into the financial donors to the signatories, the source of any gifts they declared and who booked them for speaking engagements to properly determine who they represent in their comments and understand it isn’t the general public retail investors. Market liquidity seems to always be heralded as the ultimate aim but it should be fair and transparent price discovery that is the target and by bringing security-based swaps and securities loans on a loan-by-loan basis reporting to the public disclosure, in a timely manner, should help to ensure the free market is not being abused. I appreciate your time in reading and considering my comments. 

Very truly yours, 

An American Household Investor 


Matthew J. Mc Carter 

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