Subject: Comments for proposed rule filing s7-32-10
From: Daniel Taylor

Jul. 18, 2023

Good day sir/madam, 

With the CFTC purposely withholding Swaps data. It's clear there are massive red flags in the reporting of these positions. It is the right of all those involved in the markets to have transparency into these secret positions. It is absurd Market participants can hide massive risk and never have to worry about reporting them. All positions should be reported separately. Fines should be increased for failures to report. Any one opposed to this is clearly hiding systemic risks. With high speed trading and EDGAR filings done at end of business. 1+ settlement nearing implementation. There is no reason why reporting on one of the largest financial tools shouldn't be brought to light. Time and again banks and large Market Makers hid illegal positions and then when caught later, after the damage had been done. Get a notional slap on the wrist. The American people are more in the loop about our markets than ever before. We support Transparency and want to see the same rules applied for everyone fairly. 

Thank you, 

A household Investor.