Subject: S7-32-10
From: Rax Nahali

Jul. 18, 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

Good morning. I am infuriated by the letter sent in opposition by
several members of Congress. They hold a pivotal position in shaping
our nation's policies. It is of utmost importance that you prioritize
the well-being of household investors and ensure fair markets, rather
than simply catering to the interests of the 0.1%.

The recent response from some members of Congress against the proposed
changes in reporting requirements is concerning. By opposing this
vital reform, they are not aligned with the interests of household
investors. Their stance raises questions about their commitment to
safeguarding the integrity and stability of our financial system. I am
the silent majority that has been pushed too far by their response.

It is crucial to emphasize that failure to implement stricter
reporting regulations, as demonstrated by the recent Archegos Capital
debacle, can lead to systemic failure. We cannot afford to ignore the
lessons learned from such catastrophic events.

The proposed changes seek to address loopholes and vulnerabilities
that enable high-risk practices and concealment of assets. By opposing
these changes, some members of Congress are inadvertently allowing the
continuation of practices that jeopardize the financial well-being of
everyday investors.

I support your position on security based swaps, and security loans,
and stand firmly in support of transparent markets and the interests
of household investors. The proposed reforms aim to level the playing
field, reduce the potential for market manipulation, and ensure
greater accountability for financial institutions.

By advocating for stricter reporting requirements and actively working
to implement these changes, you have the opportunity to restore
confidence in our financial system. This is not only crucial for the
well-being of individual investors but also for the overall stability
and prosperity of our economy.

We urge you to prioritize the best interests of household investors
over the concerns of a select few. Embrace this opportunity to
demonstrate your commitment to a fair and transparent financial system
that protects the livelihoods and investments of everyday Americans.

Together, let us work towards a future where systemic failures are
prevented, market abuses are curtailed, and household investors can
trust in the integrity of our financial markets.

It's not the games we play that show our humanity, it's the way we play them.