Subject: S7-32-10: WebForm Comments from James Baugh
From: James Baugh

Oct. 31, 2022

 October 31, 2022

 I wholly and completely support this proposal I sincerely appreciate its effort in preventing the evasion of this reporting rule. As a retail investor I feel that the current market enables the \"big guys\" to hide valuable information from the general public that could assist us in making sound investing decisions. The passing of this proposal is a step in right direction and begins to level the playing field and I look forward to more rulings in this direction. Public disclosure of SWAP data is absolutely critical to a fair and free market as it cannot be held hostage by the hidden agendas of wealthy firms. The lack of transparency with respect to SWAP data poses a significant risk to our national security as well as well as our countries longterm financial welfare. Transparency in the stock market is a must  and proposals such as this must be passed to ensure the trust and faith in our economic institutions. I am fearful of the abuse of power that is occurring by hiding positions
  in SWAPS and strongly request consideration to lower the threshold of this proposal to $100 million to capture a broader picture of the true state of the markets. Further, I fear the evasion of this proposal outside of the United States and wish for this proposal to be applied internationally, so funds and firms cannot use borders to evade the rules of the market. Finally, the Commission should absolutely utilize its authority under Section 10B(d) of the Exchange Act to publicly release data. Fraud is widespread, and the resources of the SEC are limited. By allowing the People to see potentially dangerous swap activity, they will be better able to assess the investments they make and observe the dynamics of the market. A more level playing field is absolutely in the public interest, and the damage that can be done via swap activity necessitates that investors be equipped to defend themselves and the markets they use. Please pass this proposal as soon as humanly possible, our market
 s depend on it. Thank you for this proposal.
James Baugh