Subject: S7-32-10: WebForm Comments from Troy Taylor
From: Troy Taylor

Oct. 31, 2022

 October 31, 2022

 Dear Sir or Madam,

I honestly do not feel that my comments will matter. I have firmly come to the conclusion that the SEC is either a) unwilling to do their job \"The SEC protects investors, promotes fairness in the securities markets, and shares information about companies and investment professionals to help investors make informed decisions and invest with confidence\" or b) due to ongoing political intervention/maleficence/manipulation that originates with 1) ongoing insider trading (no ramifications for politicians found culpable), 2) bribery (extremely high levels of funds coming from either D/R donor that are high/mid/low level financial institutions that require loopholes/laws to stay vague and behind dark pools in order to remain viable, 3) political pressures that originate/originated to limit the SEC's ability to do their job in protecting \"WE THE PEOPLE\" - retail investors, not the too big to fail financial goliaths that constantly require bailouts to survive.

As a retail investor I would like to see transparency in all aspects of the market. I believe that any \"Fraud, manipulation, or deception\" should already be illegal in a \"free and fair\" market system. It has been shown the past few years that this, in fact, not the truth. The continued decline of integrity across the United States markets will have severe negative impacts on the United States to remain (??) a leader in markets (stock, bond, equities, futures, any/all). Protecting the \"retail\" investor from the Market Makers, Central Banks, Banks, Brokerages, and other large commercial entities that have access to/share data/insider trade.

Free and fair. If everything is done in the dark, it is not fair. If everything is done by keeping eyes off trades/swaps - it is not free.

I ask you to stand up for what's right. Not what is the easiest. I ask that you do your job.

The SEC protects investors, promotes fairness in the securities markets, and shares information about companies and investment professionals to help investors make informed decisions and invest with confidence.

Thank you. Ape help Ape.