Subject: S7-32-10: WebForm Comments from Jelle K
From: Jelle K
Affiliation: Project Manager / Investor

Oct. 31, 2022

 October 31, 2022

 Dear members of the SEC,

As a foreign investor in US equities, the lack of transparency in the financial system in the United States worries me. In my opinion, one of the causes of the growing wealth gap in the world lies in the polarising nature of these times.
Politics has long been a reason for conflict, also in the developed Western world. The attack on the Capitol serves as a prime example, whether you're for or against is irrelevant in this instance in my opinion.
Since the short interest in certain \"memestocks\" (on which you've made a ridiculous video) it has become known to a relative small group of retail investors that polarisation through opaqueness has been on the rise for years as well.
Big financial institutions regulate themselves, with an understaffed staffed agency that loses many good civil servants to these institutions each year as their watchdog.
These financial behemoths have been on the forefront of the creation of a legal framework that serves just them. The delay of reporting requirements or the sheer lack of any requirements at all makes that the existing financial system in the United States is decaying and has created an uneven playing field.
Although this proposal does not do justice to the extent of the lack of transparency, it is certainly a step in the good direction.

Thereby, as a foreign investor, I wholeheartedly support this proposal as it is.

A real concerned foreigner,

Jelle K

Please note that it is not possible to file a foreign phone number, or if it is, the instructions were unclear.