Subject: S7-32-10: WebForm Comments from Dirty Ape
From: Dirty Ape

Oct. 31, 2022

 October 31, 2022

 Who does the SEC work for? Certainly not the rich folks who write your rulebook, the ones you are afraid of standing up to, there's no way it could be them because they skip the tax bill. Why would you work for them without pay? So who pays you and who do you work for? This mind of civic duty must be at the fore when you look at what rules and regulations the SEC ought to enforce. The tail has been wagging the dog for too long. Regulatory capture is not a free market it is in fact it's opposite. Working class people, families, can no longer trust the market. And why should they? Hedge funds and mega corporations have gutted main street, their towns, real America. Lessons that should've been learned in 2008 were instead encouraged not only with the bail outs, but with the complete lack of regulation and even the codification of those same abusive market practices in to \"law\". We are not only doomed to repeat this history, it will recursively happen with increasing frequency and nor
 malization. Shine a light on these criminals, stop their misdeeds. You are our only hope. Stop PFOF, Dark pools, swaps, synthetics. Make them disclose. Stop it with the tranches and the bilking the non consensual fine print back room short lending of working Americans pension funds. Its not enough with the zero health care and the social security, they need their retirement too. Slaves, to work until we die while also being replaced by automation and with no plan. If its not illegal you know it ought to be. There's something very wrong with the fact that it takes brave acts of dissent in this country, it takes brave, intelligent people standing up. You'd think we were getting lead out of gasoline, you'd think we were going after the mob. You are the government, the people pay you. Govern already. Billionaires don't pay you, in fact they skip that bill so they can have extra money with which to write their own laws or make a real threats of litigation to governing agencies. This is m
 adness, no one should be above the law like that, we live in a society. Its way passed time for there to be grown ups laying down the law on the lawless, to regulate the institutional capture of our markets, not be a market captured regulator. Don't make me run for office I'll embarrass myself, but this shame? This cannot go on and like any unsustainable practice it will come to an end one way or another. When it does will we learn a valuable lesson or try again to kick the can a little further down the road?