Subject: S7-32-10: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 31, 2022

 October 31, 2022

 October 31, 2022


Inaction or failure to report swap positions is a conflict of interest in the SEC's responsibility to regulate US markets. It is vital for the regulators from this commission to be direct on its mission. To provide fairness in securities markets, to protect investors by providing information, and bring confidence in investing. Unreported swap positions by major financial parties will pose risk, due to the concerning market climate and the events related investors are rightly concerned and suspect.

It should be procedure for the SEC to provide information for investors in order to caution them, and not to protect those who seek to manipulate the market in privacy. While information hurdles remain, it is in the power of the SEC to uphold fiduciary responsibility in the protection of investors from market manipulation.