Subject: S7-32-10: WebForm Comments from Serkan Dogan
From: Serkan Dogan
Affiliation: Retail investor

Oct. 30, 2022

October 30, 2022

 Hi SEC,

I'm a concerned retail investor especially after the January 2021 Gamestop short sneeze and the removal of the 'buy' button amongst many brokers afterwards. The reason why I'm concerned about our financial markets is because we know so little about the inner workings. Hedge funds and market makers have so many tools at their disposal to manipulate the stocks that we buy with our hard earned money and use their powers to front-run our orders using PFOF.

We need more transparancy on swap data and the public disclosure of this data, since they form a large threat to the financial markets. I would also like to request that the treshold of the swap data to be lowered to $100 million gross.

Another point that I'd like to happen is applying this rule change Internationally so that funds and firms cannot use borders to evade the rules of the market.