Subject: S7-32-10: WebForm Comments from Neriah
From: Neriah
Affiliation: none

Oct. 30, 2022

October 30, 2022

 I would like to emphasize my support for this rule based on the gratuitous amount of evidence that has been uncovered that proves swaps are used to commit fraud regularly.
I support transparency in our financial markets. I support broad language that leaves no room for loopholes or exceptions to the rules. I support international enforcement so that agencies may not use borders as a means of exemption. I support rules like this being brought forward and implemented. I do not believe that the \"big money\" in our financial markets is participating for any entity's interest but their own. I believe that with great power may either come great responsibility or, inversely, great corruption. I have no reason to believe that responsibility is being assumed by major market participants.
Crime happens behind closed doors and in the shadows. If there is greater transparency in Security-Based Swap positions, there is less place for criminal activity.
I do not think that this is a case of, \"If they're innocent then they have nothing to hide.\"
I think that regardless of guilt or innocence, there is no reason for data to not be reported and available.
Especially when there are potentially massive financial gains to be made at the expense of others. I think that it is in my best interest as a retail investor and as a US resident for this data to be transparent so that economic consequences may be minimized.