Subject: S7-32-10: WebForm Comments from Very Concerned Retail Investor
From: Very Concerned Retail Investor

Nov. 01, 2022

 November 1, 2022

 Data regarding swaps should be made public. It is important that all market participants are aware of other entities swap exposure. Especially since a short exposure cand be achieved through swaps, even though no actual shorting is being conducted. Let's remember Archegos, who's swap exposure turned into a market-wide disaster, but was long conducted in the dark. Who knows how many such examples are still there, waiting for a similar blow-up.

 Also, CFTC wants to hide swap data until God-knows-when? What would the reason for that be? What are they trying to hide? This definitely needs to be looked into.

I fully support any rule that would increase transparency and require for accurate and fast public disclosure of swap data. I certainly hope to see more such rules in the future. They should be applicable internationally, to prevent parties from conducting business-as-usual in excluded countries.

Please consider making the threshold for reporting as low as possible.

I agree with the definition of security-based swaps and I believe this definition should be as wide as possible, to minimize evasion.

I also agree with daily reporting and I congratulate the Comission on the efforts to publicly release such data, allowing the public to see potentially dangerous swap activity.

I urge the Comission to finalize this rule as soon as possible.