Subject: S7-32-10: WebForm Comments from GENERATION CODE 202210041250
From: GENERATION CODE 202210041250

Oct. 31, 2022

 October 31, 2022


As a passionate citizen of the United States of America, and as someone passionate about the future of this country, I often feel concern over the stability of our financial systems, having myself experienced more than one \"once in a lifetime\" financial failures, especially and very mysteriously around banks that persistently find themselves in cycles of being unable to keep themselves in business, somehow. They're banks. They hold money. How hard could it possibly be?

Apparently hard enough that this same phenomenon happens in the stock market as well. There are rumors of illegal activity within and among the market participants. If we all want to be on the same page, and not assign blame but fix the problem itself, we must encourage and enforce transparency in these systems. \"If you have nothing to hide, then why keep secrets?\" All participants benefit in the longer term from greater openness in these systems, especially when there should be nothing to hide.

Any form of fraud, manipulation, deception, or otherwise manufacturing untruths should be immediately addressed and punishment executed, if by a fine then at least 150% of all illicit gains as well as returning those gains to those who were abused by the untruths, else a permanent ban and blacklist of the firms and or individuals involved if they be repeat offenders. Bad actors in our markets are not merely an annoyance, it is now apparent that they are nothing less than existential threat against global economic stability.

Furthermore, any form of undue influence, or biased presentation of information, over Chief Compliance Officers should and must be also punished, as these officers are vital to the health and wellbeing of the financial entities involved, not least of which are individual retail investors.

Finally, reporting of swap positions is not only desirable, but necessary. Swaps provide nothing more than an additional layer of obscurity for market mechanics that should not be obscured in any way. It is also worth mentioning that these firms which do participate in security swaps should be able to report their swap positions automatically, and the computational requirements for doing so are, speaking from a data processing background, trivial to implement.

Greater transparency in market operations and bans or punishments can maximally address the concerns of an investing public that is rapidly losing confidence in these vital economic machines.

Thank you for your attention.
GENERATION CODE 202210041250