Subject: S7
From: Mitchell Perry

Oct. 30, 2022

Dear SEC, 

I comment here as an investor very concerned with the fairness in the stock market. Swap reporting needs to be transparent. The fact this is delayed until 2025 blows my mind. This keeps price discovery in the dark.  

I hope you will prove with further action that you stand with retail investors. This will grow confidence in your department with the general public, further gaining my undying support.  

Please do not let my investment in GameStop be continually traded in dark pools. I would love to view your department as a transparent partner, one that I support with donations and verbal praise. Please give me this opportunity by eliminating dark pools and making swap reporting transparent, allowing for fair price discovery.  

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and taking the actions needed to save America and our faith in your department.  


Mitch Perry