Subject: File No. s7-32-10
From: David
Affiliation: Cybersecurity Engineer

July 21, 2023

Dear person reading this,

I am in favor of this rule to implement reporting of large security-based swap positions.

I have been an individual retail investor for 8-10 years now, and the trend that we are seeing right now is extremely recognizable. We know that the SEC is stuck between a rock and hard place. There are large, influential corporations and politicians with personal agendas and greedy desires, and they want to keep things just like they are.

Large security-based swap positions are one of the key mechanisms by which debt is moved around and essentially, temporarily avoided. Why wouldn't the SEC want to publicly disseminate important information about these positions? And why does Rostin Behnam trying so hard to keep this and similar information in the dark?

We see what's happening, and it's plain as day, so my hope is for the SEC to keep this up.

We want a freer, fairer, and more transparent market, and we aren't going anywhere. The SEC and the rest of this corrupt and unfair system has three choices.. (1) Work against the people and face constant pressure, anger, and mistrust from those very same people, which consistently grows in number and geographical location, (2) Eventually face the fact that a new, freer, fairer market has been created and used, so this current system eventually dies a slow death, or (3) Work for the 99.9% percent of the country and start to gain approval and create positive change in our capital markets as a whole.

Your choice.

