Subject: File No. s7-32-10
From: Brian Trezak
Affiliation: Physician

July 21, 2023

To Whom it May Concern:

I am one of thousands of household retail investors that participate in trades made on the NYSE and other markets that are under the regulation of the SEC.

I currently wish to express my complete support for proposed rule S7-32-10. I feel that this is much needed regulation to help the little guy maintain footing and prevent exploitation by corrupt hedge funds and market makers.

Even more importantly, I am disturbed at a number of representatives who claim to represent the people would oppose this much needed regulation. It isnt just our law enforcement institutions that need to act to restore faith in government but all representatives and regulatory agencies.

I feel that adoption of this rule would go some way towards eliminating the perception of 2 Americas i.e. one for the rich and powerful and the other for the rest of us.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter

(also emailed 7/21/23)