Subject: File No. s7-32-10
From: A. Lawson

June 26, 2023

Every position an entity holds in the stock market should be public, derivative or not..

The ONLY way to protect investors against fraud and malpractice is 100% transparency.

Fraud can only exist in an environment where data can be hidden.

By eliminating secrecy, you will eliminate the possibility of fraud.

Please take this seriously. ALL positions, swaps, derivatives, everything should be publicly available data.

Reporting requirements should be daily. Failure to report should result in fines.

The fines for not reporting should be as large as the fair value of the positions that were not reported. Every day.

This is totally realistic. The businesses are all using automated algorithms to trade these instruments any way. It would take three more lines of code to automatically report every transaction and position change.

(Note: I am not using my real name, email or phone number because I have previously been personally intimidated by market participant for my SEC comments. I have reported these instances to the international police InterPol.)