Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Anonymous

February 18, 2022

I support this rule, barring any sneaky things in it that I may have missed. It's seemingly a no brainer of a rule change. It baffles me that a new rule must be made with regards to fraud, rather than that rule already existing. I think that more could be done with regards to compliance officers to ensure that the companies that they oversee are compliant with laws, rules, and regulations. I feel that this rule is a good start in that direction in any case. I also feel that significantly more could be done with regards to market transparency, considering technology that has existed for 20+ years with total transparency and near instant settlement and yet somehow our current financial markets are unable to do these things and seemingly need even more time to enact them when the tech is here already and people use it literally every day 24/7, unlike our financial markets in the US which only seem to run during business hours on business days. It's truly baffling.