Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Devon Turcotte

February 11, 2022

The fact that this rule is appearing in 2022 is quite jarring. Why hasn't an anti-fraud regulation been in place since the inception of the stock market?

I see many comments from various institutions asking for delays, 2-3 year implementation timeline, and various other methods for \"kicking the can\". These comments speak for themselves quite frankly.

The only reason anyone would be against transparency in the market is someone who directly benefits from the opacity. As a retail investor, I have access to practically zero information until months after the fact. Institutions have high-frequency trading techniques, so even if I were able to see institutional trades in real-time, I wouldn't be able to front-run them, which is another comment made by various institutions.

The whole situation is completely laughable and it becomes quite clear that these institutions are only able to make money by staying in the dark. Now more than ever, a move to a blockchain based stock market with T+0 settlement is necessary.

I applaud the SEC for trying to implement the correct rules that will eliminate fraud. This includes Dark Pools, HFT trading, derivatives abuse, and many other tactics that these institutions might be using to steal from retail investors, the government, and the population.

If these institutions are truly the \"smart money\", they should be able to achieve the same results with full transparency. Many times have I heard that actions were taken to \"protect the investors\" or \"protect retail\". It seems to me like the only protection I need is from the big players abusing their capital power, not from the market itself.

I look forward to getting more transparency and fairness in the market.

Thank you.