Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Thomas Heiden

February 8, 2022

I am a retail investor and I am in favor of this rule.

Over the past year it has become completely obvious that Reg-SHO is largely ignored by broker-dealers and they continue to navigate the market with cost of doing business fines as the only form of consequence.

This market is very broken. And I doubt new rules will create compliance amongst the criminal abusers.

Here is a quote the SEC should become well acquainted with: When setting expectations, no matter what has been said or written, if substandard performance is accepted and no one is held accountable, if there are no consequences, that poor performance becomes the new standard.

Due to the lack of consequences on Wall Street crime, gross negligence, and misreporting has become the new standard.

Until the overall dark pool abuse, (90 - 95% as admitted by Gary Gensler) is resolved, hidden positions in married call/puts, and naked shorting are prevented I feel that many investors will take their funds from the NYSE exchange into crypto.