Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Trevor Pullen
Affiliation: Retail Trader

February 7, 2022

- The SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, commented that 90%-95% of orders don't make it to lit exchanges.
My comments are:

1) Why are orders routed off market to internalizers?

2) Does this proposal for policy change address the issue of so called \"dark pools\" lack of reporting? What enforcments other than fines will be in place to protect the market and all its participants?

3) If there is evidence of wide spread securities fraud through internalized exchanges using the deratives market, TRS and so forth, why doesn't the SEC suspend these dark exchanges until this new policy is in place?

If this proposal addresses these main issues systematically and can drive a fair exchange with real price discovery then it should have been enacted years ago. This needs to be pushed through.

Thank you