Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Yang Networks LLC
Affiliation: CEO, Yang Networks LLC

February 7, 2022

I am a retail investor and I am in favor of this rule. These rules have historically only been enforced using fees which are just the cost of doing business to hedge funds and family offices that can afford to pay these fees. Please make the enforcement perfectly clear in these rules. The punishment should be more severe to include loss of profit + the cost of the investigation or loss of privileges or suspension from trading or market making.

Due to the lack of consequences on Wall Street crime, gross negligence, and misreporting have become the norm.

Until the overall dark pool abuse (90-95% as admitted by Gary Gensler himself) is resolved, hidden positions in married call/puts, and naked shorting are prevented I will continue my distrust of government officials to enforce any change in these rules. If the past bureaucratic lip service continues I fear that many other disgruntled retail investors will take their funds from the NYSE exchange into new crypto-based alternatives, which are more transparent and fair.