Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Christopher Collier
Affiliation: Mortgage Manager

February 7, 2022

Enforcement must be increased to ensure a free market can thrive. Large parties are able to manipulate prices through large dark pool deals with repackaging of FTDs through ETFs. The retail investor does not have rights to game the system by creating markets to hide losses. With the majority of retail orders going through dark markets, payment for order flow, there seems to be no accountability in the system. Disclosure must be public of any officials trading, and policy must be enforced to increase the efficiency of our markets. As a young 30 something year old who is beginning to be able to save money, Im looking closely at what actions the SEC takes to ensure the fairness of markets I intend to invest in over my lifetime. The markets do not reflect the spirit of American principles of fairness and competition. These are ideas that I am disappointed I have to defend, but corruption and corporations are furthering their chokehold on the American public every year, with the average American taxpayer footing the bill.