Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Alec Lones
Affiliation: Software Engineer

February 7, 2022

As a relatively new retail investor, I am in agreement with S7-32-10.

Prior to my first investments in the last couple of years, I was told that our financial markets are free, fair, and everyone plays by the same rule book. Where stocks go up and down based on the underlying company's success/failures. I have since learned that is a lie. Retail and large organizations are not bound by the same rule book and it seems that breaking the law is only a cost of doing business for those with enough money.

Please take this step towards fixing these issues and moving us towards a more level playing field again. Retail and large organizations should be bound by the same rules and the same enforcement. There should be a level playing field for all, not one where retail is left in the dust.