Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Michael Tapley

February 7, 2022

I, as a an individual retail investor, put my full trust into the stock exchange. I trust that it is a fair system in which I can make informed decisions. Over the last year many things have come to light that have caused me to lose all trust in the system and I believe that one way to gain it back is by requiring more transparency. The stock market should not be a casino where the rules are hidden and the house knows all the tricks to take your money.

I want a truly fair and transparent market so that I know my investments are safe. So that I know market fundamentals are driving prices instead of algorithms and other \"loophole\" practices. The public should have the right to see more of what has ended up behind the curtains. Just like you wouldn't buy a house without an inspection, retail should not have to make trades based on unknown information, especially that information which right now is a privilege to hedge funds and other entities. A truly fair market is the only market I will continue to invest in and I fully support S7-32-10 going in to action to start moving us back to some semblance of fair.

Thank you,