Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: J Marra

February 7, 2022

I support, encourage, and appreciate any \"rule designed to prevent fraud, manipulation, and deception\" (as snipped from the SEC's summary of S7-32-10).

The more I educate myself on the inner workings of the market, the more I see broad opportunities for (and seemingly occurrences of) abuses by a small number of market makers, funds, and wholesalers at the expense of the hundreds of thousands of everyday Americans that are effectively retail traders via their retirement and savings funds.

Without actions and rules akin to S7-32-10, it would seem a distrust in our markets is inevitable with all the dire consequences that comes along with it.

Again, thank you for pursuing \"rules designed to prevent fraud, manipulation, and deception\". I hope this is only the beginning, and that we soon see focus shift to other areas of abuses such as naked short-selling.