Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Ricardo Vasili

February 7, 2022

To whom it may concern,

Apologies for the invalid email and phone number but we value our Privacy.

For a number of years we have invested life savings, retirement funds and beer money in the American markets for the whole spectrum of purposes from \"making a quick buck\" to a reliable and prosperous basis for future fortunes.

Over the period of 2007-2009 we watched with great concern the use and abuse of financial products (CDO's in particular) which eventually led to the downfall of the economic system - with no real nor fair consequences to those who caused the catastrophic failure in comparison to those heavily affected by their actions.

Unfortunately this practice has returned in a altered form called ETFs which paired with, where come from would be considered criminal activity, dark pools, over shorting without the underlying security (naked shorting), Payment for order flow and \"imaginative\" collateral for big Wallstreet establishments. This leads to fake pricing and a loss of confidence in the market.

We are immensely grateful for the opportunity given by globalization and the open access to the American markets but this opportunity seems to have a Damocles sword dangling above the deal. Historically we lost about 80% of my families inner circles wealth in 2008 investing in so called \"too big to fail\" establishments and their practices. I am afraid that history will repeat itself and most of my hard earned Fortune together with all our assets will be at risk - again.

If you value international funding, our money, to invest in the American markets we demand a fair treatment with safekeeping and a watchdog in place who keeps those establishments in check. Other markets and opportunities are becoming more interesting by the day but the American Brand, Wall street, inspired awe and confidence. Restore those values. Make the foul parties pay with real consequences if the MOASS actually happens or MEME stock would destroy old sat in hedge funds with immense market power which is mainly used for their benefit. Make criminal charges. Redistribute those 80% we lost amongst retail and fair investors.

With the highest regards