Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Kiru Tilahun

February 7, 2022

The lack of any regulatory action against short hedge funds as well as market makers has allowed these bad actors to manipulate the market with disregard for any form of risk management. The lack of accountability mainly results from the inadequate response of the SEC as well as loop holes in regulations that allow these bad actors to hide their positions. I believe that disclosing SWAP positions in the US as well as overseas will be a big step in helping to deter market manipulation. Any fines and punishments should also be raised to a sufficient amount in order to deter any bad actors. There have been numerous occasions in which large Institutions have disregarded the rules due to the consequences essentially being a joke. Punishments should include the full amount profited on a trade as well as a large fines and restrictions. The SEC should also act in a timely manner in these situations. All in all, I support these rule additions and I think theyre an excellent step towards achieving market fairness. With that said, the SEC can put forward all the rules they would like but, this will mean nothing without quick and proper action as well as large consequences. These are very large institutions with billions of dollars. A measly fine and a slap on the wrist will result in no progression. Please act