Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Anthony Rosado
Affiliation: Individual investors

February 6, 2022

This is a no-brainer. Individual investors that are paying attention are becoming increasingly disillusioned in the market because of how much manipulation appears to be happening with institutional trading (I say \"appears\" because we don't have access to the relevant data and are left to infer). I've pulled most of my money out of the market at this point. It's a tangled mess of securities, bundles, derivatives, all leveraged against each other. It's turtles all the way down. We're going to lose entire generations of investors and traders due to a lack of transparency and accountability. If you're opposed to this rule change and others like it, it says only one thing: you don't care about the free market where new enterprises can break ground and failing ones can make a comeback, you care about having concentrated wealth and control. You want to cheat because you're AFRAID you'll lose if you actually have to play the game like the rest of us. We have to pit our money derived from real labor against funny money derived from the stack of turtles institutions PLACED on our backs. . . Y'all up on top getting paid to play a secretive game of hot potato with assets derived from the American people, people the world over, for no other reason than it'll all come crashing down if you don't. Shame on you.