Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Juan Agosto

February 4, 2022

If what happened over the last two years has showed us anything its that the odds are stacked against the retail investor. The fact that government officials can trade during the beginning of the pandemic while us the regular people are stuck loosing money and do not have the same inside information. The fact that public companies that employ thousands of Americans can be shorted into oblivion and as soon as the tables turn we the people are the problem. Most of us average Americans are just trying to do better in our life, for years everyone says get in the stock market, thats how you make money we have learned this is true as long as it does not affect the 1%, Marker maker or prime broker. We saw this in 2008 as their greed and bad bets cost us tax payers billions in a bailout. Which as one of those tax payers and fresh out of school I did not want to bail them out but did I have a choice? Nope. We always seem to be ok with them making horrible mistakes at the expense of normal people but enough is enough. Like in a casino if you make the bet you have to see it through.

How can cnn, fox, and cnbc tell us buy this stock and not be responsible? But a random YouTuber gets legal action and possible gag order? well I took their recommendation in January of 2020 without warning or inside information I lost thousands when the pandemic hit, did the government help me? Did the sec give me my money back? Did the government bail me out? Of course they did not, its part of the game the stock market is risky as they say. Why is these individuals any different? Its time that we change the rules that actually help and support the working American and retail investor. We need big change and others need to pay for their manipulation and corruption. The financial market needs to be adjusted and changed completely, the system is broken and this is a step in that direction to help the average American / retail investor.