Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Jana Caperton
Affiliation: None

December 16, 2021

Pursuant to File Number S7-32-10. The proposed rule is integral to stop behind the scenes trading of securities that often results in purposeful failure to delivers and driving the prices of stock down for shareholders. The current ability of bad actors to hide their short positions from shareholders in order to drive price down without a fundamental explanation is a heinous manipulation of our markets and detrimental to the prosperity of retail individual investors. Without full transparency of all security based swaps the retail investor will always be at a disadvantage and unable to make educated decisions about their investment. Market manipulation and fraud have run rampant for far too long and must be stopped. I demand the SEC take action to protect the free market and everyday citizens that have entrusted their investments and retirement accounts to players in a game that is currently rigged against them.