Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Erik Hutchins

Apr. 02, 2023


Dear SEC, 
I am writing to show my support for the new rule that states orders must go to a public auction where everyone, including pension funds, has an equal opportunity to fill the order. Citadel and ohter "market makers" l should not be the first to receive orders. 

In other countries, like England, 'payment for order flow' has been effectively banned due to conflict-of-interest concerns – and this should be the case in US markets. 

Brokers who do not accept any kind of PFOF route orders differently and consequently see superior execution quality. 

In closing, I would also like to see every rule the SEC passes ENFORCED and with higher fines that service as significant deterrents rather than just the "cost of doing business".  

Thank you for your consideration. 

E. Hutchins,