Subject: RE: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: A Concerned Investor N/A

Mar. 31, 2023


File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule 

To Whom It May Concern: 

The Order Competition Rule is a great start to a path to clean up our markets and I favor this proposal.  There is a great conflict of interest when brokers route their orders to certain market maker(s) before anywhere else due to the market maker being the Payment-For-Order-Flow (PFOF) customer and recipient.  In the United Kingdom, this PFOF scheme has been outlawed and this should be the case here in the United States.  

I support this rule, as an individual investor, and I don't pretend to consider it fair for broker-dealers and market makers to reap billions of dollars at the expense of household investors' price discovery all while lying about providing "superior order execution".  The current state of the markets is too anti-competitive, when we need competition in this capitalistic system.  Same thing applies to entities claiming to be "too-big-too-fail".  If they are "too-big", they should cease to exist and be split apart into thousands of smaller units.  Same goes for the centralized entities controlling price discovery and the internalizers they utilize, where individual orders are sent off to die.  These things should not exist, as well as, the middlemen clogging up our markets, which, without their taxing burden of their existence, will improve prices for individuals, institutions, and pensions alike.  

Brokers engaged in these types of practices of not providing best execution should lose their licenses and FINRA should make public the findings of their evaluation on the impact of not charging commissions on member firms' order-routing practices and decisions.  We need the transparency in our markets for them to function properly, and this includes the "regulators".  Payment-For-Order-Flow should be banned, as studies have shown, order execution is better with routing not involved in PFOF.  Minimal fines for massive societal damage is unacceptable and the regulators need to do their jobs and root out this corruption, otherwise, it seems they are complicit in the crimes against humanity. 

Again, I support this rule proposal and believe it is an inch closer to reforming our markets and making it a free and fair market again. 

A Concerned Investor 

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