Subject: Re: Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22, Release No.34-96495
From: Chase Brackett

Mar. 18, 2023



I feel as though this rule should already be in place, but I am glad that it is being put forth now. I hope that this rule has very big incentives for companies to actually follow them. Specifically with heavy fines and jail time that might actually change behavior. I think some broker-dealers should also lose their licenses instead of receiving fines that amount to nothing more than a cost of doing business. Personally I would gladly pay commission to avoid being routed through a wholesaler, especially one with a long record of flouting the law like Citadel Securities. I hate people that who’s entire existence is dependent on getting cuts out of transactions that will happen whether these middlemen exist or not. I would prefer that money go to the stock holders and pension holders instead of wall st billionaires. Please implement this rule as soon as possible. Thank you. 

— Chase Brackett

Chase Brackett 
Professional Actor and Violinist