Subject: Re: Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22, Release No.34-96495
From: John Avery

Mar. 12, 2023

There are two sides to an ordered society: 1) Having rules everyone can
follow 2) Enforcing those rules.

To that end, penalties need to be HIGHER than the profits gained. If
$1000 is the fine for making $100,000, then I'll rack up as many $1000
fines as it takes so long as I get $99,000 of profit every time. But if
I get a $101,000 fine every time I make $100,000, then I have no reason
to break that rule as it costs me money. Penalties need to stop being
slaps on the wrist. You're a government regulating agency, not a group
of thugs who let anyone who can afford your fees flagrantly break the
rules! Repeat rule breakers should lose their licenses, and the leaders
/ responsible parties in those companies should get lifetime bans from
finance in addition to losing their ill-gotten gains. We MUST
effectively punish cheaters, or society collapses.

With respect to rule File No. S7-31-22, Release No.34-96495, I fully
support its implementation and would like to see it implemented as soon
as possible. It does not require modification and should be implemented
in its current form