Dec. 26, 2022
December 26, 2022 Dear Gary, Here are 246 DD books written by some really smart people proving that, unlike Dr Burry's quote from \"The Big Short\", we are living in a complete and fraudulent system. You might want to get a large team to read through it in a day :) Regards SuperStonk DD Library "lastName": "Kam Muchi", "affiliation": "Shareholder", "commenterAddress": { "streetAddress": "", "city": "", "state": "", "zip": "", "country": "United States" }, "email": "", "phone": "123-456-7890" }, "submitterInfo": { "isThirdParty": "false", "submitterName": "", "submitterOrganization": "", "isAffiliated": "true", "affiliationName": "Reddit SuperStonk" }, "rulingInfo": { "fileNumber": "S7-31-22", "ruling": "s73122", "rulePath": "/comments/s7-31-22", "title": "Order Competition Rule" }, "commentDate": "December 26, 2022", "htmlFilename": "s73122-nnnn.htm", "uploadFilename": []