Subject: RE: File No. S7-30-22; Release No. 34-96494; Regulation NMS: Minimum Pricing Increments, Access Fees, and Transparency of Better Priced Orders
From: Marco Daeblitz

Mar. 31, 2023


as an individual instor I wholeheartedly support the inslusion of
odd-lots for the NBBO. The exclusion of said odd-lots is the same as the
exclusion from individual investors.

We need to free our financial markets from wholesalers which dictate and
control the markets and can't accept the fact that institutions like
citadel, which got fined multiple times for their wrongdoing, only pay
small fines that just reduce their ill-gotten winnings.

Market Makers that other financial institutions that don't obey the
rules should get their licence revoked instead of a lousy fee.

I it is the individuals who should have a say in changing the course in
a companies direction thorugh voting with our investment. Excluding
odd-lot information is the same as taking away our power to vote which
should be the highest goal in a democratic system in whicl we all live in.

I fully support the harmonization of tick sizes across all exchanges. I
was shocked to learn that some exchanges get special treatment and are
able to leverage that special treatment to build monopolies in some
areas of the market. All exchanges should have to quote AND trade in the
same increments. Some exchanges shouldn’t be granted an unfair advantage
over others. It leads to monopolistic control of parts of the market
that counteract and eventually kill the positive benefits of
competition. The markets are supposed to be fair - so make them fair.

I appreciaty the effort of the SEC to tackle these important issues and
want to support them,