Subject: S7-30-22: WebForm Comments from Owen L.
From: Owen L.

Mar. 31, 2023

March 31, 2023

 To Whom it may concern,

I write as an individual investor to support this proposed rule. Any proposed rule or change that promotes fairness and transparency in the market should be fully supported by all participants in the Stock Market, minus the few moneyed interests profiting from the current system. The fact that all exchanges arent required to quote and trade in the same increments is profoundly unfair and creates an artificially tilted playing field. Strict language enforcing an unambiguous tick size should be the standard that the SEC and regulatory agencies strive for to promote a competitive, healthy market. Rebates should not be necessary in the marketplace, as they promote good-enough execution and create conflicts of interest.

I support the inclusion of odd lot information in the SIP, and applaud the Commission's efforts to provide individual investors with more information with which to make better investing decisions - especially concerning which firms are allowed to handle our orders. Once again, transparency should be prioritized in the markets, and all participants, especially retail investors, should have access to the same information for a truly level playing field. The exclusion of odd lots from the price of a stock amounts to the exclusion of most individual investors - most of the voting public. Please look into a way to fairly and proportionately include odd lots in the calculation of the NBBO. I implore you to listen to me and many of the other passionate investors, and bring transparency, efficiency, and fairness back to the Stock Market.


Owen L.